When a hidden prospect is revealed and trust is broken, a young couple must face their future together.
On the eve of their sixth form graduation dance in the summer of 1988, Julie and Callum look into their future. An avid runner, Julie has dreams of going to the Olympics. Callum’s ambition lies elsewhere; a keen and talented historian, he enjoys more humble aspirations. They boast a simple life, together at school, together at the track.
When Julie reveals to Callum an opportunity to chase her Olympic dream, he struggles to understand why he was left in the dark for so long. The young couple can’t effectively communicate their feelings and they part ways.
Upon counsel from family and friends, they come back together at the dance. They realise it isn’t worth ruining something so special over this. They don’t know how long they’ll have together, but they will make the most of what time they have.
The Story
Why we decided to make this film
‘In This Moment’ is a short film made by final year BAFP students from the University of Portsmouth. It comes from a very personal place for everybody in the crew. We have all felt that lack of communication in many of our personal relationships and it led us to bond early in the development of the film. We feel like this is a theme in so many young people that a wide audience will relate to. So many issues can be solved with a simple conversation and it can be so frustrating when that conversation doesn't happen. We want to showcase this universal feeling, the feeling a relationship slipping away from you and watching it happen in real time. When you look at a person you care about and see the conflict in them, the conflict you have caused, and feeling helpless to change it.